Kathryn Hogan

Kathryn is a Kansas City-based painter who works in oils & multi-media to explore her unconventional upbringing and personal quest for identity. In 2022 after a 20+ year career in product design, environmental design & entrepreneurship, Kathryn has returned to her roots in fine art. A Kansas City Art Institute Donna Polseno scholarship award recipient & 2000 graduate, she most recently exhibited in the 2023 Weinberger Fine Art “Sexhibition: Rated Art XXX.” 

As an adopted individual, Kathryn grappled with the scarcity of knowledge about her biological heritage, which further intensified her yearning for self-discovery. Lacking role models for normative female gender performance, she found herself drawn to exploring the profound impact of this absence on her own sense of identity.

Through her work, Kathryn invites viewers to question societal constructs and their influence on individuality. Her thought-provoking works encourage introspection, inviting audiences to reconsider the boundaries of perception and the complexities of personal identity.


Grant Miller


Jordan Sears